What does Points mean in Expedia, How to Earn them and Use them

Expedia is one of the most popular online travel booking platforms that has been helping travelers plan their trips for years. The platform offers a wide range of services, including flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages. To make things even better, Expedia has a loyalty program called Expedia Rewards that allows users to earn points for their bookings. In this blog post, we will discuss what points mean in Expedia, how to earn them, and how to use them.

What are points in Expedia?

Points in Expedia are the currency of the Expedia Rewards program. When you book a flight, hotel, car rental, or vacation package on Expedia, you earn points that can be redeemed for discounts on future bookings. The more you book on Expedia, the more points you earn, and the more you save on your next trip.

How to earn points in Expedia?

Earning points in Expedia is easy. All you need to do is sign up for an Expedia account and start booking your travel arrangements through the platform. For every booking you make, you earn a certain number of points depending on the type of booking.

For example, if you book a flight through Expedia, you can earn up to 2 points per dollar spent. If you book a hotel stay, you can earn up to 3 points per dollar spent. Car rentals and vacation packages also offer points, with car rentals earning up to 2 points per dollar spent and vacation packages earning up to 2 points per dollar spent.

Expedia also offers bonus points for certain bookings. For example, if you book a hotel stay through the Expedia app, you can earn double the points. Additionally, if you book a VIP Access hotel through Expedia, you can earn up to 4 points per dollar spent.

How to use points in Expedia?

Once you have earned enough points in Expedia, you can use them to save money on future bookings. To use your points, simply log in to your Expedia account and search for the travel arrangement you want to book. When you get to the payment page, you will see an option to apply your points to your booking.

The number of points required to redeem a discount varies depending on the booking. However, as a general rule, 100 points are worth $1 in savings. So, if you have 10,000 points, you can redeem them for a $100 discount on your booking.

It’s important to note that there are some restrictions when it comes to using points in Expedia. For example, you cannot use points to pay for taxes, fees, or other charges associated with your booking. Additionally, some bookings may not be eligible for point redemption.

Benefits of Expedia Rewards

There are many benefits to joining the Expedia Rewards program. First and foremost, you can earn points for your bookings and use them to save money on future trips. Additionally, Expedia Rewards members get access to exclusive deals and discounts that are not available to non-members.

Expedia Rewards also offers members perks such as free room upgrades, early check-in and late check-out at select hotels, and free amenities such as breakfast or spa credits. The more you book through Expedia, the higher your rewards status becomes, and the more perks you can unlock.


In conclusion, points in Expedia are the currency of the Expedia Rewards program. You can earn points by booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages through the platform. Once you have earned enough points, you can use them to save money on future bookings. Expedia Rewards also offers members exclusive deals and discounts, as well as perks such as free room upgrades and early check-in. By joining the Expedia Rewards program, you can make the most of your travel budget and enjoy a more comfortable and luxurious travel experience.